Access the Invitation 

An Intentional Creativity® Quest  

The Nine Phases of Healing Self Initiation through Medicine Painting & Mythic Imagination 

5 Day Residency Programs Sonoma, California + Online  

A cosmic dive into painting, poetry, prayer, process, play and pure foods Guided by Shiloh Sophia with Guest Healers, Teachers & Shamans Ayurvedic Meals with Chef Jonathan  

MUSEA : Center for Intentional Creativity®

Most healers say that you can heal yourself. What can be challenging is how to move from the field of trauma into the field of healing on your own. 

Making art makes that move naturally and spontaneously. The mythic imagination functions in that in between space between wound and wonder. We can go there with a little beat of the drum, splash of paint on the canvas, motion in our hips, invitation into our field and a prayer in our heart. 

 Add ayurvedic meals and sisterhood and we have a dynamic quest for healing!